OniTools is a program which can view many of the resources used in Oni. It
currently supports these formats:
- AKEV - level data reference list
- BINA - raw binary data
- CBPI - ???
- CBPM - ???
- CONS - console description
- DOOR - door description
- DPge - diary page pointer
- IDXA - 3D data point index list
- IGHH - in-game interface help
- IGPG - diary page description
- IGSA - diary page string list
- IGSt - diary page string
- Impt - impact description
- IPge - info page pointer
- M3GM - 3D object description
- Mtrl - material description
- OBAN - ???
- OFGA - ???
- ONCV - character varient description
- ONGS - game settings
- ONLD - level description
- ONLV - level data reference list
- ONVL - character varient list
- OSBD - data pointer
- PNTA - 3D point list
- PSpc - interface rectangle list
- PSpL - interface rectangle reference table
- PSUI - user interface description
- SNDD - sound file
- StNA - string list
- SUBT - subtitle list
- TRAM - animation
- TRGE - trigger shape description
- TRIG - trigger data description
- TRMA - texture map table
- TSFF - font data reference
- TStr - string
- TURR - turret description
- TXAN - animated texture description
- TXCA - texture coordinate list
- TXMB - large texture description
- TXMP - texture map
- VCRA - 3D coordinate list?
- WMCL - window manager rectangle list reference
- WMDD - window description
- WMMB - menu item list
- WMM_ - menu item
It decodes and lets you view textures, 3D objects, and sound files (TXMP, TXMB, M3GM, and SNDD resources.)
The source code is included.
OniTools was last updated to v1.3 on March 11, 2001. Here are its latest improvements:
- Fixed the M3GM viewer's missing polygon problem
- New resource types
- Many additions/fixes to pre-existing resource types
- Importing resources
» Download OniTools by Ian Patterson
