This is one of the most interesting finds I've seen. You will need to be able to enable cheats
for this one.
If you've got save point #2, load it, or else just get the the point in the level where you are outide in the
airplane area. Turn on invincibility (liveforever) and glassworld (glassworld).
Run all the way to the fence all the way to the right; by the green trailers, etc. Shoot the fence and it will shatter
because you have glassworld turned on. Now you're where you shouldn't be. :-)
If you keep running, you will see where the map ends. At this location, you can also see the room that you enter if
you were to beat the level. If you walk off of the map, you will fall down one level and be able to run around under
the airport.
Alternatively, you can keep running alongside the map edge and you'll come across a black area. Step off that and you
will fall... and fall... and fall...
Thanks to Dan Perkins for this find