+=============================+ Help with Oni's controls v1.6.1 +=============================+ In Oni, you must configure your controls by editing the "key_config.txt" file found in the Oni folder, or if you're on a Macintosh, you can hold Shift as you launch Oni to get a GUI version to change controls. Below you will find all possible keys for Oni and how they should be bound. Up Arrow - uparrow Down Arrow - downarrow Left Arrow - leftarrow Right Arrow - rightarrow Number Pad x - numpadx (where x is a number from 0 to 9) Number Pad * - multiply Number Pad / - divide Number Pad = - numpadequals Number Pad + - add Number Pad - - subtract Number Pad Delete - decimal Number Pad Enter - numpadenter Page Up - pageup Page Down - pagedown Home - home End - end Number Lock - numlock , - comma . - period ' - apostrophe ; - semicolon ] - rightbracket [ - leftbracket / - slash \ - backslash Tab - tab Backspace - backspace Enter - enter Shift - shift/leftshift/rightshift Caps Lock - capslock Control - control/leftcontrol/rightcontrol Command - command (Macintosh only) Option - option (Macintosh only) Alt - alt Space - space Fkey x - fkeyx (where x is the Fkey* number) * - Fkey: i.e. F1, F2, .. .. F13, etc. A-Z - a-z (all letters lowercase) 0-9 - 0-9 Start Recording - start_record Stop Recording - stop_record Replay Recording - play_record Note: It seems that the above commands for recordings are stuck to F9 (start_record), F10 (stop_record) and F11 (play_record). ------- Actions ------- Forward - forward Left - stepleft Backward - backward Right - right Swap - swap (take out weapon/holster/pick up) Drop - drop Jump - jump Punch - punch Kick - kick Crouch - crouch Walk - walk Hypo - hypo Reload - reload ----------- How to bind ----------- When you want to add your own controls, make sure you do it underneath the heading "unbindall" and above "# default controls" in "key_config.txt". You can delete binds from "# default controls", but make sure the bind is in the "unbindall" area. Edit the controls in "# misc" freely. The bind command is structured the following way: bind *key* to *action* So if you would want to bind "kick" to / you would type: bind slash to kick ______________________________________________________________________________ Written by Harry Al-Shakarchi | http://oni.bungie.org v1.6.1 - February 16, 2001 (c) Oni Central 2001 ---------- Thanks to: ---------- Nijhazer Nathan Ultramag Tom Olson